We offer adult dental care compensation, compensation for dental prostheses and free dental care for children. The visitor fee does not apply to children.


Dentista dental clinic has a long history and has been providing dental care in Haapsalu for over twenty years.

Dentista dental clinic in Haapsalu

Dentista Dental Care Clinic takes care of the beautiful smiles in Haapsalu city, Läänemaa county and elsewhere. Our dental care services include teeth repair with various fillings, root treatment, extraction of teeth, producing and maintaining of prosthesis, teeth whitening, removal of dental calculus, dental x-ray images etc. As dental care should already start at an early age, children are also very welcome to our clinic!

We know how big impact has the right dental treatment and care on oral hygiene. We are more than happy to share the educational information on oral hygiene also with you. For a professional dental care consultation, sign up for an appointment at our clinic. If you are visiting us for the first time, the dentist evaluates the current condition of your teeth and determines a short- or a long-term dental health care plan.

Patients with an aching tooth are taken care of urgently, which might affect changes in the appointment schedule. We therefore kindly ask for Your understanding when Your appointment has been rescheduled or postponed.

Nowadays, dentist visit is a pleasant experience. Our professional doctors will find the best solution for your teeth. Register for an appointment in Dentista, the most professional dental care clinic in Haapsalu and be part of the experience offered by our dentists, assistants, dental technicians and administrations. We know how to make you smile again!

Dentista offers professional dental care services in Haapsalu already for 20 years!


REGISTRY CODE: 10205602 Jaama 14-4, 90507 Haapsalu See the map


Monday - Friday 08:30 - 17:00


+372 5349 5386 +372 47 33004
Dentes Hambalabor
Estica Hambalabor
Magnum Dental
Confido Terviselahendused
Dab Dental Eesti
K. A. Rasmussen
Plandent Eesti
Dental Design
TT Dental
Sirowa Eesti
Eesti Hambaarstide Liit
Spring Dental


After dental surgery…

  • Complications after dental surgery’s local anesthesia may include pain and discomfort around the cut. This kind of pain can last for several days after the surgery. To ease the pain, use painkillers available from the pharmacy. Multicomponent painkillers or painkillers containing ibuprofen have proven to be the most efficient ones.
  • To avoid swelling, try cooling down the cut area: place ice pack on the cut and leave it there for 20 minutes, then take it off for 20 minutes. Repeat if necessary.
  • In any circumstances, do not place a compress (chamomile, vodka etc.) on the cut.
  • After tooth extraction, place a sterile gauze plug on the wound and press your teeth tightly together for 20-25 minutes. You may feel slight dizziness during the first hours after the procedure. The following two days, it is not recommended to be physically active.
  • When a special gauze plug is placed on the wound, it is not recommended to eat for two hours. Until the gauze plug is removed, it is recommended to eat food with soft texture. After the surgery, try not to injure the gauze plug while brushing teeth and avoid using an electric toothbrush.
  • Follow precisely your doctor’s instructions and use the medicinal products prescribed by your doctor. Do not rinse your mouth on the surgery day in order to avoid removing the blood cot. Otherwise the wound might remain “dry” and will heal very slowly.
  • Up to two weeks after the surgery, rinse the wound twice a day for one minute with chlorhexidine gluconate. Rinse the mouth thirty minutes after brushing your teeth. The gluconate may cause a temporary pigmentation on teeth, which is easy to remove after treatment. Dilute the gluconate with water to help sooth the pain or ease gum sensitivity. 

After root canal treatment…

  • Tooth may be sensitive, which is caused by the medicine placed in the root canal.
  • You are not allowed to eat two hours after, because a temporary filling is placed on the tooth.
  • Follow the instructions given by your doctor.
  • Be aware that after the tooth has been devitalized and inserted with a root filling, it is obligatory to appoint a dental check-up with dental X-ray a year after the procedure. In order to ensure the success of the treatment, it is also suggested to organize a dental check-up after every two years. 

After filling placement…

  • Tooth may be sensible and sore when biting or drinking something cold. This type of sensibility may last from two days up to few weeks. In most cases, the tooth is sensible for only few days and there is no need for panicking. If the tooth remains sensible or spontaneous pain aches occur, it is advisable to visit a dentist immediately as the tooth may be infected or the filling may be misplaced.
  • When the filling feels uneven or dental floss gets stuck between teeth when flossing, contact your dentist and ask him to improve the filling. This type of uneven areas cause tooth caries and may result in a new tooth cavity. 

After gum treatment…

  • The neck and gums of teeth may be sensible. Avoid extremely cold or hot food and beverages.
  • Despite the sensibility, try to follow the dental hygiene instructions given by your doctor: carefully clean the interdental spaces with floss or other ancillary equipment if your dentist has not of course prohibited it.
  • Up to two weeks after the surgery, rinse the wound twice a day for one minute with chlorhexidine gluconate. Rinse the mouth thirty minutes after brushing your teeth. The gluconate may cause a temporary pigmentation on teeth, which is easy to remove after treatment. Dilute the gluconate with water to help sooth the pain or ease gum sensitivity.  

After placing removable prosthesis…

  • Prosthesis may at first be very uncomfortable. Despite of the discomfort, be patient and try to persistently wear prosthesis. Believe us, it is possible to get used to it! The first two weeks are the most difficult as the mouth needs to get used to the new ‘situation’. During this time, remove the prosthesis only to clean it and use it also during sleep. Later on, it is of course advisable to remove it for the night.
  • When the prosthesis is not in the mouth, it needs to be placed in a glass of water or in a special storage box covered in a wet tissue. Otherwise the prosthesis material dries and becomes fragile.
  • Prosthesis needs to be cleaned carefully twice a day. The cleaning should be done under flowing water and by using special prosthesis cleaning products that help to disinfect the prosthesis. If necessary, it is also possible to use a special soft brush. It is not advisable to clean the prosthesis with toothpaste as it is too abrasive and can harm the prosthesis’ surface. All the cleaning products suitable for prosthesis are available at the pharmacy.

Dentista Hambaravikliinik
  • Dental care
  • Oral surgery
  • Prosthetics
  • Aesthetic dentistry
  • Dental care for children
  • Consultations
  • Dental prosthesis repair
  • Panoramic X-ray
  • Oral care products for sale